DJ Shadow playing on i-tunes, tippytap tapping of my fingers on the keyboard, the occasional rustle as my hand dips into a bowl of dry Kellogs Frosties, b4 pushing the flakes into my mouth. All of my 32teeth crunch the flakes into a swallowable mush with my own essential added ingredient - saliva. (i am achieving a rythem of approximately 7 crunches per mouthful with the crunches becoming less crisp consecuitively). the sound is coming from within my mouth, making for a quirky and strange reverberating mouthwatering consuming soundbyte. sounds from within the body always amaze me, i start to think about sounds heard when i was an embryo inside my mother. im having breakfast this afternoon after another late night, wondering whether NE1 will ever read this - it is afterall 8 months since i received the mail, it's just that i came across it again just now and decided this time to act. i-tunes skips to another track - on random - it's groove armada, i skip again, something classical, and again DJ Hype Super Sharp Shooter - this will set me up nicely for the day.

Take care and have fun! x (facoltative)

drew melmoth, UK

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